In Bed - 2015
In Bed by Window - 2015
Aphrodite Leaning on Herself
Red Figures
Death, Love
Death, Love 2
Skull, Figures
Birth of Venus with Cat
Love, Heart
Love #1
Love #2
Love Between Men
Celebrating Aphrodite
Gold Heads and Skull
After Nikosthenes 1
After Nikosthenes 2
After Nikosthenes 3
Angel and Man
Erotica 1
Erotica 2
Erotica 3 - Gold Figures
Busy Love
Lovers and Cat
In Bed
Cat and Dog
Erotica with Angel
Erotica 2 - white figures
Erotica 3 - red figures
Aphrodite Leaning 1
Aphrodite Leaning 2
Aphrodite Leaning 3
Aphrodite Leaning 4
After Velasquez's The Toilet of Venus
Aphrodite in the Garden #1

Aphrodite in the Garden #2
Cat #1

Cat #2
Cat #3

The Couple
Couple, Red Cat, Dog

Homage to Birth of Venus
Modern Aphrodite
